Accept everything about yourself--I mean everything. You are you and that is the beginning and the end--no apologies, no regrets. Clark Moustakas

Friday, September 2, 2011

New Outlook, New Blog

Hello to all of my friends in blog-land. Some of you have commented that you have missed my blog, so here we go...a brand spankin new one. I cannot promise to post daily, but I will try to keep up with it better than the last.

It might be a layout that I have done, or a picture or just a little note about my comings and goings. Cannot promise a lot of excitement either, just a little bit of My Life, doing it My Way.

Thanks for checking it out!!


Ann Summerville said...

Good thoughts. We often dwell too much on the past.

Valerie! said...

Yay!! Welcome back and I love your new outlook on life! I'm glad you're letting the past stay in the past :)
Hugs Kellie!!

Jacki said...

Happy blogging -- and scrapbooking, and reading, and playing, and everything that makes you happy!
